
Сообщения за август, 2019

EMJAC - Memberdayakan DLT menuju Masa Depan yang Berkelanjutan

Setiap hari berton ton limbah dihasilkan di seluruh dunia. Baik itu limbah yang bisa terurai maupun limbah plastik atau limbah yang tidak bisa terurai.Kurang dari 30% didaur ulang dan sisanya biasanya dikirim ke tempat pembuangan sampah atau dibuang secara ilegal. Kesalahan penanganan ban bekas merupakan ancaman serius bagi lingkungan kita. EMJAC telah menciptakan solusi yang mengintegrasikan rantai blok dan teknologi hijau untuk mengelola dan mendaur ulang ban bekas secara efisien dan menyediakan platform pemasaran global untuk produk energi terbarukan. Blockchain, yang mulai muncul sebagai opsi teknologi dunia nyata pada tahun 2016 dan 2017, siap untuk mengubah TI dengan cara yang sama seperti yang dilakukan perangkat lunak sumber terbuka seperempat abad yang lalu. Dengan cara yang sama seperti Linux yang membutuhkan lebih dari satu dekade untuk menjadi landasan dalam pengembangan aplikasi modern, Blockchain mungkin akan membutuhkan waktu bertahun-tahun untuk menjadi cara ...

Elrond — and sharding

Elrond Network is the world’s first high bandwidth blockchain platform, an adaptive state of segmentation and secure proof of stakes. Sharding is a scaling method based on traditional database optimization concepts. Also known as horizontal splitting, sharding divides data into several parts, placed in different processing environments. That is, the entire array of information is divided into pieces and distributed among different servers. Sharding means not only the separation of large data arrays, but also the split processing of transactions, and not like now, when a separate node is in fact processed by a separate transaction. Sharding technology, according to the idea, allows you to distribute the processing of a transaction across several nodes and thereby speed up their speed of passage. To eliminate the risk of attack, while retaining the ability to preserve the integrity of information in the input and output, the question arises of creating a consensus t...


Adaptive State Sharding Comparable in throughput as to centralized counterparts The optimal approach for blockchain sharding, needs to take into consideration advantages from all three sharding types (network/communication, transaction/processing, state/storage). Elrond’s approach to scalability and increased throughput, called “Adaptive State Sharding”, combines all three sharding types into a solution that will improve communication inside the shards, increase performance through parallel processing, reduce storage and scale almost linearly. Allowing the number of shards to change dynamically according to the available resources (validator nodes) and network usage has a huge impact not only on the throughput, but also on efficiency. Our adaptive state sharding mechanism is based on a binary tree structure, once the number of shards has been computed; this number is used for a deterministic mapping of account addresses to shards. Transaction dispatching in shar...

BILLCRYPT - Den globale universelle platform

#DENMARK   #BILLCRYPT BILLCRYPT, Billcrypt er et økosystem, der integrerer decentral blockchain-teknologi til Blockchain-Representative (BR) -kontoret globalt, hvor denne platform vil skabe en multifunktionel infrastruktur ved at oprette et Blockchain Representative-kontor i form af decentrale applikationer med blockchain-teknologi. Dette skaber en unik platform, der kombinerer alle de fordele, der findes i den virkelige verden og virtuel. Med oprettelsen af denne platform er det næste trin i udviklingen - virtuel plads med reelle muligheder og baseret på blockchain-teknologi. Den platform, de vil oprette, vil give nye oplevelser til brugerne med et behageligt, brugervenligt og sikkert brugergrænseflade, hvilket vil gøre det muligt for alle effektivt at udvide deres forretning ved hjælp af denne platform ved at bruge systemer, der er integreret i systemet gennem deres egne Blockchain-repræsentationer. Deres platform har en vision, der ønsker at gøre blockchain-teknologi fors...


Hi my endorsers, today i have been able to examine around an extraordinary Blockchain project that you would all adore to rely on. I trusted the words blockchain, cryptocurrency, decentralization, bitcoin, centralization ethereum don't seem to be freakish to a number of you and to any or all my new endorsers. A number of you'd have known regarding blockchain innovation, its effects comprehensively, you almost certainly detected or scan some place however people build advantages swing resources into this blockchain innovation. Be that because it could, these days i will be able to name full points of interest. What is ZEUX : ZEUX could be a quick and safe payment platform,The ZEUX can deliver a revolutionary regulated answer providing a 1 entry spot platform that enables you access to each your money product profiles. The Zeux platform will give secure smartphone payments and may be applied to each digital and rescript plus transactions, it may be applied to non-cen...

USDQ Blockchain Technology of the Future

Warm regards and greetings with me (Anakcikal) here I want to share a link about Blockchain Technology and I hope you all are interested and participate in this project? The first element of the ecosystem is exchange. USDQ bid on the secondary market at a price of 1 dollar for 1 USDQ, each trader interacts with this coin, as well as others. To buy USDQ on the exchange is the first possible way to get stablecoin. Receive credit in USDQ through guaranteed crypto assets The second method, which includes several important elements of an ecosystem, is to receive credit in USDQ coins through a guarantee of crypto assets. The promise rate for stable points released is D%, where D is the last level set by Q Box which is a neural network of independent learning, and approved by the holder of the governance token. As such, it reaches more than the credit provided and leads to ensuring the stability of the USDQ tokens. Each, when a new crypto asset enters the ecosystem, a smart ...